I am caucasian, bisexual is my sexual preference and my weight is 124 lbs (56kg) and most people call me Amberxxx, I am 5'0″ (1.5m) tall and I am 44 years old. With green eyes, I have blond hair.
Bisexual is my sexual preference and I have blond hair, my weight is 127 lbs (58kg), with blue eyes. My age is 18 yrs old, I am 5'6″ (1.7m) tall and I am caucasian and people call me GiselleGoldy.
People call me VickyLatina and my weight is 115 lbs (52kg), straight is my sexual preference and I am hispanic and I am 5'2″ (1.6m) tall. My age is 26 years old and I have brown hair and with brown … Continue reading →
I have black hair and my weight is 150 lbs (68kg), I am caucasian, straight is my sexual preference. People call me Lullah, I am 5'3″ (1.6m) tall and with brown eyes and I am 24 years of age.
I am 5'5″ (1.7m) tall, I have blond hair and people call me HotSunnyLove, 26 is my age. Bisexual is my sexual preference and with hazel eyes and my weight is 133 lbs (60kg) and I am caucasian.
I have black hair and I am 18 years of age, my weight is 106 lbs (48kg) and bisexual is my sexual preference and with brown eyes. I am hispanic, most people call me NahomyJones and I am 5'2″ (1.6m) … Continue reading →
My weight is 108 lbs (49kg), I am 5'6″ (1.7m) tall and I am named SherenLee and bisexual is my sexual preference, with green eyes. I have blond hair and I am N yrs old and I am caucasian.
I am named Cum4Jen and I am caucasian and straight is my sexual preference and with blue eyes and I am 5'7″ (1.7m) tall. My age is 43 yrs old, my weight is 180 lbs (82kg) and I have brown … Continue reading →
My weight is 140 lbs (64kg) and with blue eyes and I am caucasian and I have blond hair and I am named LolaInParadise2 and my age is N yrs old. I am 5'6″ (1.7m) tall, straight is my sexual … Continue reading →
I have blond hair, 31 is my age and bisexual is my sexual preference and with brown eyes and my weight is 125 lbs (57kg). I am caucasian and I am 5'3″ (1.6m) tall and most people call me SuzyRack.