A Silky Pic Called Inadvertently pertained to work without bra so I had to improvise and used Tegaderm as pasties. Proper label is a must! [f]

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Sexy Pic Entitled Accidentally came to work without bra so I had to improvise and used Tegaderm as pasties. Appropriate label is a must! ? [f]
< img src="https://preview.redd.it/gbhx0nhlkea71 jpg?auto = webp & s = e02 cddb1e65527079 e905abc509 b95810 e331 de7" alt="Attractive Picture Entitled Mistakenly pertained to work without bra so I needed to improvise and utilized Tegaderm as pasties. Suitable label is a must! [f]" >

This is another glamorous lady!!

Accidentally came to work without bra so I had to improvise and utilized Tegaderm as pasties. Proper label is a must!